

woo hoo! 2011 has just started! Happy new year everybody! I cant believe how quickly last year passed. It was so fast. my 2010 was really nice. I felt in love with somebody and it was great love for me but it ended up being broken-heart love. I travelled to Seoul Korea and met nice people. I tried snorkeling for my first time in my life and i really loved it!
yup when i think back, it was really nice year. but i know something missing in my life..
where can i put all my energy and passions into? Life has been just wonderful here in Okinawa.
but i know something missing. I want to see and do the things i have never done in my life..
So yes... I decided to leave japan for Australia in the end of this month....!!

well, my next destination will be Sydney Australia!!! woo hoo!!
i can feel something great is waiting for me there. It is like falling love for the first sight.
when i decided to go to that city, I felt something!
I hope my hunch will turn out to be right;))))

John Lennon says something like
life is what happens to you while you are busy making another plan.
Johnnn!! i promise I will live in this moment!!!
I will forcus on that life i have right now, I will take care of people around me.
I will love people around me..!

so many resolutions for this year.
but one thing i want to acheive is making wonderful friends and love them and be loved!!

today is song!

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