oh, my god! they are totally sexy!
i'm gonna marry a guy like them somedayxxxx
The end of summer

oh, my god. Time has passed so quickly. It's already the end of August and it will be september from tomorrow.
Thinking back to my summer, I did nothing special. but i proudly say its really nice summer for me!!! I really had a wonderful days in Tokyo.
what I did is not special, i just went to parks and library but sure is there was a prenty of time to think about my future, myself. that helped me to realize who I am.
Today i want to introduce what i reand this summer.
Thinking back to my summer, I did nothing special. but i proudly say its really nice summer for me!!! I really had a wonderful days in Tokyo.
what I did is not special, i just went to parks and library but sure is there was a prenty of time to think about my future, myself. that helped me to realize who I am.
Today i want to introduce what i reand this summer.
1.悲しみよこんにちは(Francoise Sagan) France in 1954
2. ノルウェイの森 (Haruki Murakami) Japan in 1987
3. 海辺のカフカ ( Haruki Murakami)
4, 変身 (Franz Kafka)
5 夜のピクニック(Riku Onda)
And now i am in the middle of reading the book 青い麦Le Ble en Herbe( Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette :)
I always think that waching movies helps me to see world that i dont know. thats why ive been so into movies, but i realized that reading books has same attraction.
about movies we can see what the caractor do visually. but for books we have to imagine what they are, and what they look. so its kind of training for me to create imagination.
Carla Bruni
as i recommended her songs in my blog, i always admire her music.
She released new album a few weeks ago, and this album is so amazing.
especially, leading song L'amoureuse is very beautiful.
She is such a talented woman. She was grown up with music because of her parents
I think this fact refrects her music a lot. my dream is now to sing her song in front of my boyfriend! what a romantic!
it must be really great if my dream would come ture!!
Il semble que quelqu’un ait convoqué l’espoir
Les rues sont des jardins je danse sur les trottoirs
Il semble que mes bras soient devenus des ailes
Qu’à chaque instant qui vole je puisse toucher le ciel
Qu’à chaque instant qui passe je puisse manger le ciel
Les clochers sont penchés les arbres déraisonnent
Ils croulent sous les fleurs
au plus roux de l’automne
La neige ne fond plus la pluie chante doucement
Et même les réverbères ont un air impatient
Et même les cailloux se donnent l’air important
Car je suis l’amoureuse, je suis l’amoureuse
Et je tiens dans mes mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l’amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toutes les choses
Qui vaille d’être là qui vaille d’être là
Le temps s’est arrêté les heures sont volages
Les minutes frissonnent et l’ennui fait naufrage
Tout paraît inconnu tout croque sous la dent
Et le bruit du chagrin s’éloigne lentement
Et le bruit du passé se tait tout simplement
Les murs changent de pierres
Le ciel change de nuages
La vie change de manières et dansent les mirages
On a vu m’a-t-on dit le destin se montrer
Il avait mine de rien l’air de tout emporter
Il avait ton allure ta façon de parler
Car je suis l’amoureuse, oui je suis l’amoureuse
Et je tiens dans mes mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l'amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toute les choses
Qui vaille d’être là qui vaille d’être là
She released new album a few weeks ago, and this album is so amazing.
especially, leading song L'amoureuse is very beautiful.
She is such a talented woman. She was grown up with music because of her parents
I think this fact refrects her music a lot. my dream is now to sing her song in front of my boyfriend! what a romantic!
it must be really great if my dream would come ture!!
Il semble que quelqu’un ait convoqué l’espoir
Les rues sont des jardins je danse sur les trottoirs
Il semble que mes bras soient devenus des ailes
Qu’à chaque instant qui vole je puisse toucher le ciel
Qu’à chaque instant qui passe je puisse manger le ciel
Les clochers sont penchés les arbres déraisonnent
Ils croulent sous les fleurs
au plus roux de l’automne
La neige ne fond plus la pluie chante doucement
Et même les réverbères ont un air impatient
Et même les cailloux se donnent l’air important
Car je suis l’amoureuse, je suis l’amoureuse
Et je tiens dans mes mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l’amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toutes les choses
Qui vaille d’être là qui vaille d’être là
Le temps s’est arrêté les heures sont volages
Les minutes frissonnent et l’ennui fait naufrage
Tout paraît inconnu tout croque sous la dent
Et le bruit du chagrin s’éloigne lentement
Et le bruit du passé se tait tout simplement
Les murs changent de pierres
Le ciel change de nuages
La vie change de manières et dansent les mirages
On a vu m’a-t-on dit le destin se montrer
Il avait mine de rien l’air de tout emporter
Il avait ton allure ta façon de parler
Car je suis l’amoureuse, oui je suis l’amoureuse
Et je tiens dans mes mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l'amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toute les choses
Qui vaille d’être là qui vaille d’être là
Sunny sunday at Hibiya park

NY Feb 2008

Februrary, 26th 2008
My best freind and I headed to NY for our graduation treat.
the trip was so great. we experienced so many things what we'd never had.
I remenber every nights we went to see musical even though we always fall asleep in the middle of the play. I remember a old man whom i met at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, he was really like my glandpa and asked me for a date!!!
I remember fanstic Jazz music with wonderful views at famous Jazz club.
I remember my friend and I had a quarrel. its definitely my fault!
I remember the ice skert in the central park. I was the one who felt down the most on the ice!!
Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to know the city NY!!!
Thank you so much for giving me wonderful friend.
Im so glad to have wonderul travel with my best friend!!
Paris, je t'aime

Its one of my favourite movies but it praces on my top. All stories happen in Paris and All of them are so beautiful. I highly recommend to see it.
Its about a boy who falls in love with a Alabian girl at a first sight.
its about mother who longs for her son who already died.
its about a love between American girl and French blind boy.
its about guy who is messed up with himselves by passionable couple.
Everything about this film is so perfect, sure is you can feel warmfulness through it.
This film is one of my reasons why i became interested in France so much.

8:00 pm. its a time for me to be back home from work. i need to go to bed at 10:00 sharp
so i have two precious hours to spend lest of the day...
Recently i have been so calm and i havent depressed as much as i used to. its good sign!!
i think people can change themselves by imagination.. i mean what you think definitely refrects what you are, who you are at this moment.
so, i want to think the things makes me happy. Travelling, love, books,, Europe.. etc..
its so important.
my ideal image of me is to be elegant. like French woman. its seems they know what they make them so beautiful. they know what they really are. this is the element i want to have.
they never regrect their eforts to be beautiful not only visiavle things but also mind.
i hope the day i can feel me so beautiful and atractive, unique will be coming soon.
by the way i cant wait to use skin care goods that i ordered on the net today!!!!
oh, yes.... i said French women is elegant but i know it depends on people.. and more...
my fav actress is Nataile!!! you know she is not French at alll!!!! lol
across the universe
Did you already check the movie " Across the universe"?
its the movie which is based on the beatles songs.
About a movie is.. well to tell the truth,, music is great but contents is not so good.
its like a gorgeous PV. thats all. i have to admit that casting is perfect since Evan Rachel wood performed very well in this movie. A new British actor Jim Sturgess will be surely big one too. His voice is so sexy. my favourite secene is the one with the song I want to hold your hand. its soo cute!!!
so, yes....
ive fairy listened to the Beatles songs lately.. i really love 70's or 80's British songs.
Blur is also great band too.
check Blur's songs out!
god... my summer holiday is almost over now and it makes me totally depressed..
i do hate the facts that i should be working from tomorrow as i always do...
hope to get used to it again. today is such a depressing day. first weather is bad.
its been raining so hard from yesterday but actually i enjoy sticking at home to do nothing some how. isnt it so relaxing?? i read French novel and read interior magazine! its fun fun!
oh, yes. i got mails from my lovely spanish friend Nuria and host mom Hazel.
we have been keeping in touch with each other since i left London last summer.
This time they sent nice photos to me. Thankssss!!!
Now all memories are coming back to me and make me happy inside..
god. time has passed by so quickly. its been almost a year since i left London.
I met wonderful people there and im still keeping in touch with them.
I didnt always have good times in London. of course there's bitter experience.
but all of them are now so precious. Its my wish that everyone i met is doing fine.
so yes, i need to send some photos to them too.
but the sad thing is .... that i dont have any photos to send them, cos i just read books watching DVDs this summer. lol POOR ME!!!
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