well, i had not poseted any blog for ages, a year perhaps?
wow, time has been passing so quicky that i cant keep up with.
2009 is getting close to the end now. My 2009 year has been qutie intence.
I still cant believe what happened to me.
well, First of all, I acheieved one of my dreams.
That was travelling around Europe.
I started my travelling in Copenhargen Denmark, then flew to Paris,Brussels, Germany, Switherland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary,
Poland, Lithuanina, Latvia, and Estonia, Sweden, and went back to Tokyo from Helsinki Finland.
It was such an amazing experience in my life and I do really thank to people i met there.
I came to think that you can never guess what is going to happen next tomorrow, even 5 minutes or a few seconds.
there are a lots of people who do not know what they really want to do or doenst have any clear ambition or goals for the future.
I think I really happy and lucky person that i already found what i want to do.
All i have to do is just go straight for my dream.
I am not afraid of taking any risks.
If you want to try something, Risk is always with you.
but you should try it.
If sometimg is really tough and difficult to face with,
it doesnt mean you shouldnt try.
it means you should try harder.
someone says to me.
My dream is not easy to be acheived,
but i know i can do it.
because i have passions and belief.
I will go back to London again and then i will be surely happy there!
what im going to do before i head for London again!
・keep my English skill improved
・collect information
・learning cooking
・educate myself to work in London.
・work hard!!!
making efforts will pay off in the end, my father told me once
and i believe that.