well well, I had such a good start on my job, and I am quite happy about that.
My co-wokers and boss are so nice to me, they are so friendly. The job is also intersting to me. I am 100 percent sure that i will be able to utilize this work experience when i get to London. I promise myself that i will make efforts for the better life.
My dad always told me that making efforts will pay off in the long run.
My mom, my sisters and brothers always support me too.
My firends also.
thanks for the the day today.
A new day
I woke up at 9:00 this morning and i found one mail in my inbox.
It was from my best friend in Tokyo. I have not seen her for a year.
Ive missed talking with her so much, so i was quite happy when i saw her mail.
She just wanted to know how i am but i felt her warmful heart from a mail.
She absolutely made my day already!!!!!
A new day has started, and it is totally up to you how you spend 24 hours.
My job also going to start on this afternoon. I am very thankful about it.
now i want to say thank you to all people i know
Thank you my friends
Thank you my beloved family.
I love you guys so much!!!
LDN life

what a life in London is?
when i imagine about it, my heart starts to pound with excitment.
I wanna go back to London again and I will. soon.
i need to check information on the internet as much as possible.
It is very important to do this.
I know i will have a wonderful life there.
of course this moment is also precious.
The time with my family..
Since i decide to leave here in Japan for London again next June or July.
There are a loads of things that i can do for them.
I also need to think about my career too. What i want to do in London when i get there?
There is something i want to try. I would like to work in retail company as a sales person.
I can do it. I will do it!
I am always not afraid of taking action!
4 Ways French Women Stay Thin (Without the Gym)

It is my second time to write a blog today.
I found an interesting article on internet, so i will write about it from now.
It is 4 Ways French Women Stay Thin (Without the Gym)
sounds interesting, isnt it??
well, indeed, i didnt find fat woman in Paris, acutally i found a lots of slim women there.
firstly what i imagine about French women is to be very elegant.
they seem to simpy enjoy their meals or wines or fatty cheese.
This is just my opinion but i can imagine them enjoy their life without torturing themselves by doing hard exercise or something like that.
Have a look at 4 ways French women stay thin without Gym.
1.) Don’t save your steps, multiply them! Instead of driving your car around in circles to find a close spot, purposefully park far away and walk the couple extra feet. Do you know burning a mere 50 extra calories a day equates to five pounds a year?! Burn those calories creatively; think thrice about using interoffice mail, walk that memo to your coworker’s office. Take an extra few laps around the block at lunchtime, take the long way home when walking your dog at night. The principle is to squeeze as much physical exertion as possible during a few intervals a day into what were once routine tasks tied to avoiding any physical efforts.
2.) Incorporate simple resistance movements into your daily routine. Use your own body weight as resistance wherever possible. Isometric exercises, discreet but effective, are very French. This can be done before you even leave the house in the morning. For example, while waiting in traffic or on the subway, contract your abs for 12 seconds with your back pressed against the seat (it’s better for you than road rage). When reading a magazine at home, try sitting on the floor with your legs stretched and apart in a V and your hands on each side; this is a great stretch for your inner thigh muscles.
3.) Take care of your core. I’m a firm believer that we need to attend to our abdominals as we age. These are the muscles that hold all our vital organs in place; they support good posture and a healthy spine, something we must take care of as we get older. Do a few sit-ups as part of a little stretch/exercise/yoga routine in the morning — it’s never too early or too late to start this ritual.
4.) Acquaint yourself with small to moderate free weights (3-5 lbs.), especially if you’re over 40. A bit of extremely simple resistance training is an antidote to hours spent on gym machines. Short but focused movement with small weights is a good way to preserve upper body tone and bone density and supplement the cardiovascular benefits of an active lifestyle. A little goes a long way, and that only increases the older you get, so don’t let extremism overtake you.
humm, i see. All the things which are mentioned here are not so hard.
I can do that! I know some French friends who like to do yoga.
They told me that you can clear and refresh both your body and mind.
I tried it once like a year ago, but i failed to keep doing it.
I should try it again!
anyway, I want to stay slim to enjoy fasion or to be beautiful.
Making effort is absolutely necessary for us!
Hi, today im going to upload my recent favourite music onto my blog.
The song is called Your disguise.
If you watch a film Penelope, you may know it. The song is used for the ending credits,
and it has kept singing in my head since i wathced the film.
Lyrics are so beautiful that speaking to my heart.
I was looking for lyrics on the internet or i tunes but unfortunately i couldnt find it.
So, then I decdied to listen to the songs over and over and write them down on my blog.
There must be mistakes because i am not native speaker who might miss some words on the lyrics. if you find some mistakes, leave me a comment!
The song is called Your disguise.
If you watch a film Penelope, you may know it. The song is used for the ending credits,
and it has kept singing in my head since i wathced the film.
Lyrics are so beautiful that speaking to my heart.
I was looking for lyrics on the internet or i tunes but unfortunately i couldnt find it.
So, then I decdied to listen to the songs over and over and write them down on my blog.
There must be mistakes because i am not native speaker who might miss some words on the lyrics. if you find some mistakes, leave me a comment!
Your disguise.
Alone in your mind
waiting for the sun to shine
Alone in your mind
waiting for the sign
that is time to break free
from the world that holds you down
to escape from the feeling
you are lost and can be found
※Dont hide your face
you can not erase
the pain that stays in your eyes
lay down your guard
show them who you are
behind your disguise
you run far from home
you think you make all wrong ( not sure)
you run fast and slow
never seems to know
where you go
to break free from the world that holds you down
to escape from the feeling
you are lost and can be found

Ive been travelling to 19 countries so far but i have to admit that UK is my most beloved place. I will be backing there in no time. Till then i am going to keep my english improved everyday.
well today i just want to talk about British films i often see for my listening skill.
one of them is Run fat boy run! it casts Simon Pegg as a main caractor and he is doing good job on this film. The story is so typical comedy. The lazy man decides to participate in London malathon to get his ex-girlfriend back. He is such a lazy person that never achieved any goals in his life. so as you can guess he faces difiiculty to practice malathon. well it ends with good moods like any other comedy and im sure you will like it. Much more you will be one of fans of Simon Pegg! he is best comedian ever!
here are some his photo

Opposite to Simon Pegg, have a look at James MaCavoy.
He is also famous British actor ( acutally he is from Scotland) who casts on a lots of films, say
Penelope, The atronoment, the last king of Scotland, or wanted.
I adimire him so much because his acting is quite real and warmful.
Have you ever seen penelope? it is one of my best films in my life.
soundtrack is also working well for this film. I love the ending song called your disguise.
I will upload this song and its lyrics soon.
My favourite model Agyness!

people who love fasion may know who she is!
Yes, she is now becoming more famous then ever,
Agyness Deyn ( sorry if spelling is not correct)
She is my favourite model at this moment i think she will be forever!
She stands out among other models because of her hair style and innocent face.
Her skin is like baby one and i cant stop admiring her special looks and fasions.
She also has worked in the music industry as musician but i havent heard any of her songs, that is pitty!
I need to have a listen once!
I would love to try her hair stlye on myself,
but i am afraid of looking so stupid and i know i will lol
She is a one of the things or people who motivates me
to go back to London.
I would love to enjoy fasions in London.
One of my friend told me once that I can buy British brand clothes in UK.
here in Japan they are so expensive and i cant afford to buy them.
but i sill enjoy fastion so much.
Life is just what you are thinking.

well, i had not poseted any blog for ages, a year perhaps?
wow, time has been passing so quicky that i cant keep up with.
2009 is getting close to the end now. My 2009 year has been qutie intence.
I still cant believe what happened to me.
well, First of all, I acheieved one of my dreams.
That was travelling around Europe.
I started my travelling in Copenhargen Denmark, then flew to Paris,Brussels, Germany, Switherland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary,
Poland, Lithuanina, Latvia, and Estonia, Sweden, and went back to Tokyo from Helsinki Finland.
It was such an amazing experience in my life and I do really thank to people i met there.
I came to think that you can never guess what is going to happen next tomorrow, even 5 minutes or a few seconds.
there are a lots of people who do not know what they really want to do or doenst have any clear ambition or goals for the future.
I think I really happy and lucky person that i already found what i want to do.
All i have to do is just go straight for my dream.
I am not afraid of taking any risks.
If you want to try something, Risk is always with you.
but you should try it.
If sometimg is really tough and difficult to face with,
it doesnt mean you shouldnt try.
it means you should try harder.
someone says to me.
My dream is not easy to be acheived,
but i know i can do it.
because i have passions and belief.
I will go back to London again and then i will be surely happy there!
what im going to do before i head for London again!
・keep my English skill improved
・collect information
・learning cooking
・educate myself to work in London.
・work hard!!!
making efforts will pay off in the end, my father told me once
and i believe that.
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